Learn, Apply, and Share: Three Easy Steps Toward Christian Unity

The First Step: Learn
The first step in pursuing and honoring Christ’s passion for unity is to LEARN what the Bible really says. The Holy Spirit provides divine power to understand and apply the rich truth about Christian unity revealed in God’s Word. We encourage you to read and meditate upon passages from the Bible as well as writings based upon God’s Word. Many Bible-based resources have been developed by the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry to help Christians better understand our Lord’s passion for His people to “Be United in Christ.” Please explore the following Basic Resources to help you get started.
Our Basic Resources
On this page, you will find our many Basic Resources, each one with Bible passages, study resources, or teachings on Christian unity from some of the greatest leaders of the Christian faith, including: John Owen, Martin Luther, Matthew Henry, St. Augustine, Gregory the Great, Andrew Murray, Irenaeus, and others.
All 25 of our Basic Resources can be viewed on the web or downloaded as a printable PDF or eBook at no cost to you. These downloadable files are great for note taking, sermon building, and reading on-the-go. Start your journey to a better understanding of Biblical Christian unity with one of our Basic Resources today!

Unity Matters
The gospel is most clear to those who are lost when Christians are visibly united together in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. This Collection of Bible Passages is carefully crafted to draw your attention to God’s desire for His followers to love one another.
You’ll see that Unity matters to all three persons of the trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that as you see the way God emphasizes unity among His children in His Word, you will be transformed.

Christian Unity
Genuine, visible love and unity among believers honors the Lord and proclaims His gospel to the world. In John 17:20-21, Jesus prayed for the unity of His disciples—His passion for promoting love and cultivating unity in the body of Christ is revealed throughout Scripture. This resource highlights key passages to help you better understand Jesus’s passion for Bible-based Christian unity.

Philippians 1:27-2:11
Christians are called to live worthily of the gospel, and unity is one attribute of a worthy life. Opposition to our faith from the world can destroy our unity as God’s family. In the face of such opposition, how can we keep focused on our fellow believers and not retreat into selfishness?
God’s love for His people encourages us to love one another. Jesus’ example of serving man and being exalted both models what Christians’ lives should look like and gives us hope for the future. The Spirit teaches us, despite our differences, that we are one body. When we humble ourselves for the sakes of others, we can face opposition with joy and perseverance and truly be united in Christ.

John Owen: Rules for Walking in Gospel Fellowship
Healthy relationships come from following God’s rules. This is true in marriage, in parenting, in the workplace, and in the church. Knowing and obeying God’s requirements for Christian communities is the key to establishing and enjoying the loving, unified churches that every Christian desires.
John Owen clearly communicates God’s instructions for Christian communities in his Rules for Walking in Gospel Fellowship. He indicates 7 ways Christians should respond to church leaders and 15 ways they should love one another. When believers base their fellowship on the Bible they enjoy a special blessing that God gives to those who are striving to be united in Christ.

Matthew 22:34-40
Obedience pleases God, but with so many commands interpreted differently by so many denominations and traditions, what does God really desire of us? Jesus answered this question clearly in Matthew 22:34-40. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus said that these two commandments are so great that “the whole Law and the Prophets” depend on them. Only when we love God wholeheartedly and love others as ourselves will we truly obey and please God.

Romans 14:1-12
Christian unity is based on God’s acceptance of people into His family by faith in Jesus Christ. As we come to understand the gospel more completely, some of us will live out that faith differently than others in areas that are not clearly defined in Scripture.
When a believer thinks he is always right, he might be tempted to judge his brothers or sisters in Christ who don’t agree. As we worship with people of weak and strong faith, it is critical to remember that God is the one who accepts us into His family. He is the final judge of our faith. When we trust God’s judgment and set aside differences over non-essential issues, we can truly be united in Christ.

Gregory the Great: The Book of Pastoral Rule
The Bible has much to say about shepherding God’s sheep, but shepherds themselves need guidance in applying Scripture’s principles and precepts to their particular flocks. In the church’s history, no work has been as influential in helping pastors apply God’s Word to their ministries as The Book of Pastoral Rule.
Gregory’s Biblical, practical presentation of a pastor’s qualifications, conduct, and ministry can improve the quality and effectiveness of the church’s shepherds. Improving the quality of the church’s leaders improves the lives of church members. Individual Christians can become more Christ-like, and Christian communities can be united in Christ.

Athanasius: On the Incarnation
The Bible repeatedly declares Jesus is Lord. True Christians confess Jesus is Lord. But how could the man Jesus also be the Lord God? Why did the Son of God become the Son of Man? A classic response to these important questions is Athanasius’ On the Incarnation.
This classic book shows the important connection between Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter and explains why the Savior of the world had to be Emmanuel, God with us. This delightful and enriching presentation of this essential Biblical teaching will better equip you to be united in Christ.

Bernard of Clairvaux: On Loving God
People are unhappy because they love the wrong things. They can only find true fulfillment when they love God. How should they start loving God? The classic work addressing these questions is Bernard of Clairvaux’s On Loving God.
This beautiful book reminds readers that loving God is more fitting and rewarding than any other love, for no one is as lovely or loving as God. And as our love for God grows, so does our love for others, which is the surest, sweetest path to be united in Christ.

Henry Scougal: The Life of God in the Soul of Man
“I never knew you; Depart from me.” Jesus’ terrifying words in Matthew 7:23 are especially sobering because they are spoken to those who call Him Lord and who do good works in His name. Alarmingly, some who consider themselves faithful followers of Christ are dreadfully mistaken about how to truly follow Christ.
The Life of God in the Soul of Man by Henry Scougal is a classic treatment of this critical topic. The great evangelist George Whitfield wrote that he never understood what true religion was until he read this book. This inspiring presentation of the Christian life will help you walk with God as Christ intends.

1 Corinthians 13
Jesus was motivated by love to die for His people. God’s love in Christ on the cross saved us, not the fact that He gave us wisdom or the ability to speak in tongues of men and of angels. No spiritual gift or sacrifice can make up for a lack of love among those whom Jesus Christ has redeemed.
In 1 Corinthians 13:1–8, Paul insists that the believers in Corinth need a Biblical understanding of love. Their divisions will never be healed without love ruling their hearts. When God’s people love one another well, despite their differences, God’s glory is revealed throughout creation. Paul encourages the Corinthians to practice Biblical love so that they can be united in Christ.

Jonathan Edwards: The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God
How can we tell if a religious group, teacher, or experience is from God, man, or the Devil? Anyone can claim divine authority, use Christian terminology, and quote Scripture, so how do we “test the Spirits to see whether they are from God” (1 John 4:1)?
Jonathan Edwards’ The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God teaches us God’s guidelines for recognizing His work. America’s greatest theologian gives us Biblical, practical ways to evaluate religious movements without creating unnecessary divisions. His book shows us how to “examine everything carefully” (1 Thessalonians 5:21) and still be united in Christ.

John 13:31-35
How can you identify true Christians? According to Jesus, it is by their love for other Christians. “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). Believers have an obligation to love other believers, for it is the Lord’s command.
Followers of Jesus must follow the example of Jesus in selflessly loving our brothers and sisters in Christ. Loving unity gives evidence of our obedience, because love demonstrates our discipleship. To be united in Christ, Christians must obey God’s command to love each other.

St. Augustine: Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love
Christians who want to base their lives on the Bible often need help understanding what the Bible actually says. They need a guide that summarizes what the Bible teaches and prioritizes. Saint Augustine’s Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love is the classic summary of the essential virtues of the Christian life.
Augustine, the most influential thinker in church history, explains that the Biblical Christian life is worshipping God in faith, hope, and love. As Christians believe the Apostles’ Creed (faith), pray the Lord’s Prayer (hope), and obey the Great Commandment (love), they will please God and be better able to be united in Christ.

Thomas Watson: The Beatitudes
All of us want happiness, but few of us feel satisfied. We want blessing but feel burdened. We want fulfillment but feel empty. We need guidance, and who better to turn to than Jesus? Our Savior began His greatest sermon by telling us how to live a truly happy, blessed, fulfilling life. His Sermon on the Mount opens with the Beatitudes.
Thomas Watson’s The Beatitudes is a classic discussion of Jesus’ famous teaching. This engaging Puritan pastor explains and applies the introduction of Christ’s sermon in a clear, compelling manner. Watson’s insights can help you live the blessed life God wants for you and in the process help you to be united in Christ.

Martin Luther: Concerning Christian Liberty
True Christians must only unite around the true gospel. Any unity that denies, ignores, or alters the gospel is not true unity because it is not truly Christian. Therefore, the starting point for Biblical unity is clearly understanding the Biblical gospel.
Martin Luther’s Concerning Christian Liberty is a classic gospel presentation that is accepted by true believers of all denominations. The founding father of Protestantism demonstrates that the same gospel that offers free salvation in Christ also requires Christians to live and love like Christ. It is only by receiving and responding to the gospel that Christians can truly be united in Christ.

John Owen: Love, Church Peace, and Unity
Unity is apparent when believers worship together, but can Christians be different without causing division? How can someone change churches without splitting the church? What does it mean for Christians to coexist in goodwill, harmony, and integrity across denominational lines?
These questions are addressed in John Owen’s Love, Church Peace, and Unity. The “Prince of Puritans” explains the true nature of Christian love, fellowship, and harmony. He shows how Christians can remain one even when worshipping differently. This practical, Biblical book from one of the church’s greatest theologians shows how believers can be distinct and yet still be united in Christ.

Ephesians 2:11-22
Jesus died to save sinners. He didn’t seek simply to deliver individuals from Hell but also to unite them as one community on Earth. The cross of Christ accomplished peace with God and with one another. The fact that Jesus died to unify believers is the focus of Ephesians 2:11-22.
The Apostle Paul reminds us of our hopelessness without Christ, our new relationships established by Christ, and our new community identities in Christ. Christians are fellow citizens in God’s kingdom and members in His family. Together, we represent God’s presence on Earth. United by Christ, we must be united in Christ.

Andrew Murray: Humility
Pride is the source of sin and conflict. Humility is the antidote. Christ humbled Himself to become a man in order to save those who humble themselves to receive the gospel.
Andrew Murray’s Humility is a classic treatment of this essential virtue. The author of more than 240 works, Murray is famous for his Christ-centered perspective on the Christian life. His devotional presentation of how believers can grow in humility is a proven tool for transformation and developing Christian unity.

Ephesians 4:1-6
Obedience is a way Christians show love and appreciation for all God has done for them in Christ. Those who embrace the good news of Christ should show their gratitude by living lives worthy of the gospel. According to Ephesians 4:1-6, unity is a critical way Christians live gospel-worthy lives.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit live in loving harmony, and so those called into a relationship with God must live in loving harmony as well. As believers are humble, gentle, patient, and tolerant towards one another, they preserve the unity that God has established and encourage each other to be united in Christ.

Matthew Henry: Meekness and Quietness of Spirit
Everyone wants to experience relational harmony, but there can be no external harmony without internal harmony. Pride and anger divide and disrupt relationships. Matthew Henry wrote Meekness and Quietness of Spirit to teach the people of God to settle their souls in Christ, leading to genuine meekness.
As believers develop the meekness of Christ, Christian communities will become more peaceful. Only then will believers experience what it means to be united in Christ.

Acts 2:37-47
The church needs unity. But where does it come from? Acts 2:37–47 speaks of a young church whose members exhibited great unity in their thoughts and actions. Where did they get this unity? Clearly it came from repenting of their sins and believing in Jesus as Messiah and Lord.
When we repent, we come to value Jesus as our King and the one who grants us forgiveness of our sins. As true believers, we must unite around Jesus above all else to ensure that we are unified. The result of this kind of unity is attractive to the world and will lead to God growing His church. Only through the sure foundation of salvation can we truly be united in Christ.

Cyprian: On the Unity of the Church
The church is one body, yet today this body is divided into thousands of denominations that are not only separate but all too often in conflict. Christians have forgotten that they are family, fellow members of the one church Christ died to create.
On the Unity of the Church was the first work dedicated to church unity in church history. This influential book provides a Biblical picture of the oneness of Christ’s church and is a powerful encouragement for Christians to live together unified. Its presentation of the essential unity of Christ’s family convicts and instructs us to be united in Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:10-17
Believers must be united around Christ and His cross. A dangerous sense of superiority creeps into the church when loyalty to a leader is valued above the unity founded on Christ and Him crucified. The church must not be divided over loyalty to certain leaders or its unity will be destroyed.
Paul states in 1 Corinthians 1:10–17 that the cross of Christ is the power that allows believers to experience unity in the local church. When each person lays aside his desire for superiority, a humble unity is formed. Only by putting the cross of Christ in its proper place will believers be united in Christ.

Irenaeus: The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching
Christ told His disciples that they would be His witnesses. The disciples spread the gospel of Christ far and wide. What did the apostles say about Jesus that drew such different people into unified communities? Why should anyone believe it? Irenaeus sought to answer those questions in The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching.
Irenaeus (130–200) was the first theologian to fully tell the Bible’s story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. This classic work presents and defends our common Christian heritage as God’s redeemed people. It helps us see why those who are saved by Christ must be united in Him.
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The Second Step: Apply
In your everyday life as a Christian, we encourage you to begin the process of knowing and obeying God’s will as expressed in these Bible-based resources. As you begin to LEARN and obey these Biblical truths, we believe the indwelling Holy Spirit will convict, encourage, and shape every aspect of your life with God and with other believers. Our prayer is that you will APPLY what you LEARN to your everyday life.

The Third Step: Share
Now that you’ve learned what the Bible really says about Christian unity and have begun to APPLY it to your everyday life, begin encouraging your brothers and sisters in Christ to cultivate this same Christian unity! Reach out to your brothers and sisters in Christ and SHARE the many Bible-based resources we’ve made available on this website. Additionally, you can:
Share our resources on social media or in person. The About section of our website contains a variety of options for you to use at no cost in educating other believers.
Teach Bible classes, develop sermons, and create lessons on the topic of being united in Christ from the many Bible-based resources available at BeUnitedinChrist.com.
Consider hosting seminars, meetings, and Vacation Bible School programs that teach Bible-based Christian unity.
Invite those you know to visit our website and begin their own journey to learn what the Bible says about Christian unity.
Make a donation to help support our mission to teach and promote Christian unity in accordance with God’s Word globally. In this way, you partner with us in being the hands and heart of Jesus to a world in need of a Savior.
Learn, Apply, and Share
By following these three easy steps you join with us in the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry in promoting unity among God’s people. Genuine, visible love and unity in the body of Christ honors the Lord and proclaims His gospel to the world.