Happy New Year!
I am Tim Hayden, President and CEO of Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry. I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported us in 2021 through prayer, donation and purchase of our Bible-based resources. Your support is truly appreciated.
At this time of year, many of us are focused on working on areas of our lives that we may decide could use some improvement. While it is common to make plans to lose weight, eat healthier and go to the gym more often, these seem to go away by the end of January. May I suggest a longer lasting, deeper improvement that will draw you closer to God? Grace for Everyday Living is our daily devotional which has a passage of Scripture and a short devotion for each day of the year. You’ll recognize the works of C.H. Spurgeon and Martin Luther, among others as you read these daily devotions.
It’s not too late to make one more resolution for 2022. Make a daily commitment of getting closer with God and support that commitment with Grace for Everyday Living. And while you’re at it check out our other great resources at BeUnitedinChrist.com.