Sponsoring Gospel Outreach in the Ivory Coast
Impacting the World with Christian Unity | Posted on March 22, 2022 at 7:11 AM by Jeff Bennett
Workers at a Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry sponsored crusade in the Ivory Coast express their excitement about the night's service. In 2011, the nation suffered a military coup, and many lives were lost. Despite government opposition and many challenges, Christian leaders are standing strong together, united in Christ. We were honored to support [...]
Sharing the Gospel in Lagos, Nigeria
Impacting the World with Christian Unity | Posted on November 9, 2021 at 7:07 AM by Jeff Bennett
Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry volunteers pass out flyers in the slums of Lagos, Nigeria, for upcoming open-air evangelistic meetings. By God’s grace, we helped fund this outreach into the slums, taking the gospel to those who do not often have means of transportation outside their local area. During the evening events, many came [...]
Supporting a Gospel Crusade in Kenya
Impacting the World with Christian Unity | Posted on October 26, 2021 at 7:08 AM by Jeff Bennett
Over 40,000 people came out to take part in this outdoor gospel crusade in Narok, Kenya. Narok was an area of heavy tribal warfare in 2009. Thousands were killed here. Local pastors reached out to the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry, requesting we come, minister the gospel, and help bring unity to the Christian [...]
Speaking on Unity in Narok, Kenya
Posted on September 28, 2021 at 9:05 AM by Jeff Bennett
Over 40,000 people came out to take part in this outdoor gospel crusade in Narok, Kenya. Narok was an area of heavy tribal warfare in 2009. Thousands were killed here. Local pastors reached out to the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry, requesting we come, minister the gospel, and help bring unity to the Christian [...]
Reaching Thousands with the Gospel in Ghana
Impacting the World with Christian Unity | Posted on July 6, 2021 at 8:34 AM by Jeff Bennett
The Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry teamed up with one of the largest Christian chapels in Accra, Ghana, to reach thousands with the gospel message. At this event, three churches were present on the chapel’s main campus. Each shared the main message in their own native language with those in attendance. No one was [...]