Forgiven Much, love Much

To whom little is forgiven, the same loves little. – Luke 7:47 – Jesus was dining at a Pharisee’s house when a sinful woman came and washed His feet with her tears, dried them with her hair, and then anointed them with fragrant oil. The Pharisee was upset. If Jesus were truly a prophet, then [...]

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The Patience of the Lord Reconciles Us

Let us be constantly thankful to the Lord for His marvelous patience toward us. If He was quick-tempered, or unwilling to bear with our folly and sin until the day of our salvation, then we would have been separated and lost from Him forever. Whatever delay the Lord exhibits in His return may be explained [...]

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Forgiven People Forgive

The key to forgiveness is found in the phrase “even as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4: 32 NKJV). We receive forgiveness from God because Jesus Christ bore the punishment for sin in our place. We go free because Jesus paid the cost. This goes to the heart of what forgiveness is. It involves […]

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Hope & Unity

Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. – Revelation 21:3 – The glorious outcome of the gospel of Jesus Christ is God dwelling with His people in perfect fellowship for the ages […]

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The Greatest Reconciliation

Though sin fractured and brought enmity into every good relationship in the universe, it pleased the Father to reconcile everything through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Son. Though hostility existed in our relationship to God, Christ has “made peace through the blood of His cross” (Colossians 1:20 NASB). All who turn from their […]

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Forgiven People Forgive

The key to forgiveness is found in the phrase “even as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4: 32 NKJV). We receive forgiveness from God because Jesus Christ bore the punishment for sin in our place. We go free because Jesus paid the cost. This goes to the heart of what forgiveness is. It involves the canceling […]

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Forgiven People Forgive

This week, we’re focusing on a theme central to the Easter story: forgiveness. Forgiven People Forgive The key to forgiveness is found in the phrase “even as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4: 32 NKJV). We receive forgiveness from God because Jesus Christ bore the punishment for sin in our place. We go free because Jesus [...]

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