



God Built us for Community

We all need peace and healing because we all experience conflict and division. We want harmony but endure discord. We desire unity but suffer strife. We fight with friends, feud with family, and struggle with spouses—hurting and harming the very ones who should be our chief comforts and delights.

Conflict and division are very real in the church today. That’s why we’ve written books that explore the themes of Christian unity and healthy relationships with other believers. Watch the video below to learn more about two of our books, Peace and Healing and Psalm 133.

Robert Pavlich Introduces Books that Help Identify Sources and Causes of Conflict in the Church

Robert Pavlich, CEO of Adult & Teen Challenge Ohio Valley, recommends Peace and Healing and the 1 Corinthians 12 Exegetical Guide, both from the Premium Collection of books from the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry. Visit or