



Brother’s United: We’re United and Why that Matters

This week, we’re looking at both the command to love other Christians as well as how we’ve been united.

First, Markus and Bobby will be looking at Galatians 6:10 to study the command to love. Then, they will examine what it is that makes us one in Ephesians 4:4-6.

Brothers United 2: A High Calling to Love (Galatians 6:10)

Bob and Markus discuss an important insight from Galatians 6:10 — God wants believers to have a special kind of love for each other.

Brothers United 5: What Makes Us One? (Ephesians 4:4–6)

Bob and Markus reflect on what it is that makes believers one, the things we share in common.

The Three Great Love Commandments

If you’re interested in learning more about your calling to love God and other Christians, check out The Three Great Love Commandments. It’s a deeper look at Jesus’ New Testament teachings on how believers are supposed to relate to God and each other.