Aim for restoration.
– 2 Corinthians 13:11 ESV –
Consider the goals you set for yourself in life. Maybe you have educational or career goals. Perhaps you want to save a certain amount of money by a certain time or have a certain amount in your retirement fund by a certain year. It could be that you’re trying to lose a specific amount of weight or eat healthier food. As human beings, we naturally “aim” for specific targets, whether big or small, whether short-term or long-term.
Well, the apostle Paul tells us to aim for restoration. That is, to set our sights on being reconciled to God and one another, to make it our ambition to repair the breaches in our relationships, to exert energy restoring any and every kind of division in the body of Christ. Since we do not naturally humble ourselves in confessing and forgiving sin, we need to aim for restoration. Because our inclination is to run from conflict rather than resolve it, God tells us to aim for restoration. It will not come about by accident.
In every family there will be wrongs done, feelings hurt, and relationships broken. The family of God on earth is no exception. And when these things happen, we cannot passively wait for the trouble to pass. Restoration only comes when actively sought. “So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding” (Romans 14:19 ESV). Unity is a gift of God, but it is also a pursuit. Restoration is a work of the Holy Spirit, but it is also our aim. Of all the goals we set for ourselves as Christians, the goal of restoration for the sake of unity should be high on the list.
- Of all the goals you set for yourself throughout the year, is restoring relationships in your life and in the church at the top of the list?
- Consider steps you could take in pursing what makes for peace in your relationships, and then ask the Lord to help you take those steps.
- Pray for unity in your church. If you have a relationship currently in conflict, pray for the Lord to give you wisdom in restoring it. Confess sin if need be. Offer forgiveness if need be. Do whatever the Lord puts in your power to bring the relationship back to a place of peace and harmony.