Let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. – Romans 14:19 –
Peace does not happen by accident. We must pursue the things that make for peace. Human beings naturally quarrel and manipulate to get what they want. However, it takes effort to resist our impulses, rest in the gospel of peace, and pursue the things that produce harmony in our relationships. This was especially true in Paul’s day when it came to special foods and holy days. It’s still true in our day, especially around expectations for Christian conduct.
The gospel declares that we are forgiven and reconciled to God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, not by our ability to keep the law. We are saved by faith in Jesus, not by avoiding certain drinks and keeping religious rules. Judging one another according to the foods we eat and the clothes we wear does not build up. It tears down. Condemning one another over using different Bible translations does not edify. It discourages.
Instead, our behavior toward one another is to be characterized by the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23). We are to love one another as Christ loves us (John 13:34–35). We are to be gentle and humble (Ephesians 4:1–3). We are to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” So, love one another! Be careful with your opinions. If the Lord does not explicitly command something of every Christian, then you must not demand it of every Christian either. Most of all, pursue the things that make for peace!