God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
— 2 Corinthians 5:19 —
The work of reconciliation is not a small, peripheral aspect of God’s plan of salvation. Reconciliation is central to it. From the moment sin entered the world, God was carrying out His plan to atone for our sin and restore His relationship with sinners. From the moment of our alienation from God, He has been reconciling us back to Himself through Jesus Christ. The glory of the gospel is the fact that our relationship with the Father is repaired by His Son.
Once our relationship to God is repaired, He commits to us “the word of reconciliation.” He sends us into the world to tell everyone else this reconciliation to God is available for all those who repent and believe the gospel. People can be united to God through unity with Jesus Christ. People can have the Spirit of God dwell in their hearts through faith. Since the blood of Jesus atones for their sin, people can live forever in the presence of the Lord, and their trespasses are no longer counted against them. The splendor of the gospel is the promise of reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ.