



The Father’s Children Should Fellowship

Our Father in Heaven – Matthew 6:9 –

Suppose two people were to meet here tonight who did not know each other. As they begin to talk to one another, one says, “My father’s name is So-and-so,” and the other looks at him and says, “Where does he live?” “He lives in this house in this city.” “Does he? Why, that is my father, too!” Those two would be surprised that they did not know each other, for they evidently have the same father. I can see them stepping back and looking at one another and saying, “Do you mean to say that his name really is John Smith?” “Yes.” “And he lives in that house?” “Yes.” “How old is he? What kind of a man is he? Do you have a picture of him with you?” “Yes.” “There, I have a good picture of him, too, and it is the same man. He is father to us both. Then what are we two?” “We are brothers!” And they put their arms around each other’s necks and say, “How is it that, having the same father, we did not know each other?”

There are many Christian people who, if they were set right, would be in much the same situation. They have the same Father but do not know it. Perhaps it is because they do not quite agree on some form of doctrine, or even on the right way to perform bap­tisms, or something of that sort. The issue may be very important, but the most important thing is, do we have the same Father? If we do, then let us have fellowship with one another.…

Is the fatherhood of God a reality among the children of God? If it is, then let their brotherhood be a reality, and let them show that they are true brothers by their love for one another. May the Lord make it so!

From Spurgeon on Unity, pp. 172–173, 174