You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You.
– Isaiah 26:3 –
The key to a peaceful life is a peaceful heart. We cannot dwell in peace with others if we are loaded down with anxiety and stress. Our minds will be too occupied with personal comfort and preservation to love other people. Unrest on the inside leads to unrest on the outside. Agitation in the soul agitates our dealings with others.
If we desire peace in our relationships, then achieving peace in our hearts is the best place to start. This means fixing our minds upon the Lord Jesus Christ. It means learning to trust and follow Him, the one who redeems and sustains us. Through Jesus Christ the world was made (Hebrews 1:2), and by His word the world continues. He loves us and gives us peace.
When we fix our eyes upon Jesus Christ we will find rest for our souls, because it is He who keeps us in perfect peace. Thinking about Him every now and then is not enough. Our minds must stay on Him. Looking at Him as an interesting historical figure is not enough either. We must trust and obey Him as our Lord and Savior. In Him we find true rest, and once at rest, we can live at rest with everyone else.