



The Greatest Reconciliation

Though sin fractured and brought enmity into every good relationship in the universe, it pleased the Father to reconcile everything through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Son. Though hostility existed in our relationship to God, Christ has “made peace through the blood of His cross” (Colossians 1:20 NASB). All who turn from their sin, trust in Christ, and submit to Him as Lord receive the gift of reconciliation. In an instant we become reconciled to God and reconciled to all whose faith rests in Jesus Christ.

The Ongoing Work of Reconciliation

Of course, sin still exists in the world. It still exists in our hearts. It continues to create problems in our relationships. Because of this we admonish one another. Because of this we confess our sins, repent, and forgive in our relationships. The end result of repentance and forgiveness in our relationships is reconciliation. That is, the res­toration of fellowship and harmony. If we genuinely repent of our wrongs against others and genuinely forgive brothers and sisters who wrong us, then unity is preserved in the body of Christ. If these things are not happening, then division is inevitable. After a short while we will look and sound no different than the world.

Living reconciled to one another and helping others reconcile to one another must become a priority in our daily lives if we intend to honor Christ and preserve His purposes for us in the unity of His church. This is the ministry of the gospel. This is why the Lord left us on earth. Jesus has “given us the ministry of reconciliation” and “committed to us the word of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18–19 NKJV). This means the work of unity is the work of every Christian.

Question to Reflect On:

Are there relationships in my own life that need reconciliation?